February 3, 2009

Share and Voice: The Water in Minnesota

Hey Guys! After reading the first chapter, today's class period and reading through the reviews on Blogger, I found it really interesting that ONLY 2% of our water, is FRESH water!

I decided I wanted to learn more about the water we drink, swim in and take advantage of in our own state and I stumbled upon "Information about Water from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency" website... Check it out! :)

Hopefully you find something that interests you!


  1. Wow, I was really impressed by the section that listed all the statutes, laws, rules and regulations! I definitely take our clean water for granted and overlook all the effort that goes into controlling our water sources and keeping them safe. Thank you for this great reminder that I am so fortunate to live in an area with such regulations in place.

  2. Great site! I just bookmarked it. There's tons of information on there, if your interested in some "did you knows?" on groundwater, you should check out that section. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This sounds interesting! I'll check it out! (Please edit your title to read Share and Voice: The Water in Minnesota.) Great start for a discussion!

  4. Wow, Erika! I love the site you found! I did a science project in middle school about sediment in the Minnesota River, and last semester I did some research on Tap Water v. Bottled Water....I wish I would have known about this website then! It has a lot of great, factual information! Thanks for the shout out!
