February 6, 2009

Share and Voice: Steve's Photo Challenge

The photo that I am submitting into Steve's Photo Challenge was taken last summer atop a hill in Babbitt, Minnesota. The view from atop the hill is one of my favorite places I have been to in Minnesota. When visiting Babbitt, this is where I spend the majority of my time (in the woods). My dad has a hunting shack that is being built in this area and the reason I like it so much is because it's very secluded (we own 9 achres and don't have to worry about other people tresspassing onto our land). If you know the area well, you'd be able to tell where the city limits are, along with Birch Lake which is approximately 2 miles outside of town just by looking at this photo. If any of you have the chance, visiting the Babbitt/Ely area is a must! :)


  1. Gorgeous picture! I definitely understand why you enjoy spending your time in this area of the state - I have been around Ely and it is quite beautiful!

  2. Beautiful! I love that it is private and that you can enjoy the peace and quiet. It's wonderful you have a place like that to spend your time.
