Can you believe that we only have three weeks of class left?!
Week 11:
During this week we had watched a documentary titled "Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and in Wealth". This documentary was a real eye opener! It's very true that the wealthier you are, the better health you are in. I also found it very interesting that sometimes how wealthy you are does not matter, but the color of your skin does. It's a shame that the United States has all this money and is the richest world in the country, but that there isn't equal health care and health opportunities for everyone living here. During this week we also started more advocacy projects! Dr.V showed us how to use Thomas and the State and Legislative Bill website. I look forward to finishing this project within the next few weeks!
Week 12:
This Tuesday was centered around the advocacy project we are doing for Monday. We had discussed how it was important to know as much information about the issue we're looking into so that if or when we get a response for the person we send our letter to, we're prepared for any question they ask us or statement we need to make. This is a very important skill to have when working in the "real world" and having to explain/persuade people to agree with you, and fight for a change.
On Thursday Shar and Dr. V switched roles for the first half of class and we discussed reading 20. This part of class was quiet humorous :) We also took a picture and created a card for SuperOne! I feel like our class is starting to bond a lot more since a majority of people in class are beginning to feel comfortable sharing their opinions and opening up to everyone... I like it :)
I look forward to finishing off the semester with everyone! :)
Share and Voice 12: Water Bottles!
So yesterday I went on a Target shopping binge (yes....I do remember "The
Story of Stuff") and ran into a colorful display of aluminum water
bottles!! I h...
15 years ago