May 11, 2009

Reflections: Week 15 & 16

Week 15:

This week REALLY got me excited for the upcoming summer and all of the things that I want to make time for that I had learned about in this class...

On Tuesday during the week Sue Whitney had come to class and gave us a little "insiders scope" when it comes to junking. I thought this was a REALLY interesting day because after our junking session in class, I had become more intreged and wanted to know more. Since Tuesday, I have looked at Sue's website - JUNKMARKET Style - and will be contiueously looking at it for more ideas. And... I decided to join her JunkMarket blog :)

Thursday was the day that it hit me... I'm REALLY going to miss this class. Today we had given Dr. V our gift - a picture that was framed by using "junk" to decorate it - and class got a little emotional :) We spent the time outside, reflecting on the past semester. Each of us said what we had enjoyed most about this class and what we'd gotten out of it.

Week 16... Finals!

This week I'll have only ONE true final (that I've already completed), that wasn't too difficult. If any of you have not taken Development Psych yet, take it with Christine Dusek! Before each test, Dusek devotes a hour or however long we need to go through each questions and answer that is on the test but in a random order... So she basically gives us EVERY answer and you have no problem acing every single test. :)

Other than that, I have my program planning portfolio and paper due, and an advanced composition portfolio that's already finished and just needs to be turned in :)

*I can already feel summer and my stress level lowering...

May 10, 2009

Share & Voice: Remodel to Go Green

While I'm in the small town of Babbitt, MN for the weekend (I'm sure more of you have NO idea where it is...) I've been watching a lot of HGtv before going to bed.

Most of the shows have been remodeling ones, and while I'm watching these shows, I couldn't help but question a lot of the moves they were making to re-decorate. I think my inner "junker" started to take over... I questioned why they were throwing so many things out, why the needed to go to the store to get a new chair or table when they could sand it and revarnish... Or why they couldn't just re-apohlster furniture intead of going out and buying new peices that looked EXACTLY the same. THEN I found the show that re-models in an eco-friendly fashion :)
Introducing... Decorating Cents!

Decorating Cents is for homeowners who care about and want variety in home decor, but are trying to stay within an affordable budget. In each episode, host Joan Steffend and guest designers provide room makeovers costing less than $500, ways to turn trash into treasures and tips on making a room feel and look fresh just by rearranging furniture and adding a few inexpensive accessories.Decorating Cents is intended to inspire viewers to use inexpensive objects and their own ingenuity to decorate. Cool right?! PERFECT for college students too :)
Check it out... and if you get cable, watch for it on HGtv!

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

Jeff's Advocacy Assignment - Medical Terminolgy

Use the web to find all the definitions. Here are some sites that will help you:
Please find the definitions for the following terms:


Pre-op - Before an operation
Post-op - After an operation
Out-patient - Is not hospitalized over night, but has made a hospital visit
In-patient - Staying overnight in the hospital
Receptionist - Administrative Assistant
Doctor - Medical practitioner, practices medicine
Nurse - responsible for the treatment, safety, and recovery of patients
Pharmacist - distribute prescription drugs
Anesthesiologist - Is responsible for putting individuals under before a procedure and "waking" them up
Radiology - Does imaging technology (x-rays are an example)

Lauren's Advocacy Assignment - The Salmon Challenge

1. You will be given ten questions, just choose the best answer by clicking on it with your mouse. Good choices will help your salmon grow big and strong and migrate to Puget Sound, bad choices will harm or kill your salmon.
2. You may get a Water Quality Alert with no good solution.
3. Click on CHECKUP to see your salmon's current size, health and location.
4. Click on TRY to give your salmon a jumpstart if you discover it is sick.
5. Clicking on the arrow will take you to the next question
6. When you are finished with the game, post a comment about what you learned from it!*NOTE: Salmon Challenge requires Shockwave Player plug-in (external link) to view the animations.

My neighbor decided to put antifreeze down the drain and killed my fish! Poor Allan is dead now after being in good health... and only after 5 questions :(

Jessica's Advocacy Assigntment - I Don't Want to Clean my Room

Instructions: Read the comic about Anita and her room, then complete the actitivy. There is 24 object in Anita's room that has to place them in the correct recycling bin. There are four different bins. They include a composting bucket, bottle and can recycling bin, paper and cardboard recycling bin and a garbage. Its important for kids to learn how to recycle for numerous reasons. One reason is that it helps maintain a healthy environment which my advocacy project talks about. Another reason would be for kids to learn the importance of recycling and the positive effects that it has on the environment.


Some of these were tricky... Especially the food items that were organic and that I kept trying to throw away instead of recycle...

Hannah's Advocacy Assignment - Barriers to Bicycling

This is a two-part activity.

Part 1: Please read the following web pages:

  • Learn about the benefits of bicycling and see for yourself what a great mode of transportation it really is.
  • Check out these state- and nation-wide crash facts. The point is not to blame either motorists or bicyclists (because both are at fault), but to learn what causes accidents and think about how they can be avoided with proper bicyclist accommodation.
  • Read the following Rules of the Road to learn how to keep yourself and others safe. It is important for bicyclists and motorists alike to know these rules.Part 2: For your assignment, please choose ONE of the following options:

Write a short description of a time when you were somehow involved in (or witnessed) a bicycle-motorist accident. Describe what happened and state how the problem could have been avoided.


Go out into the community and photograph a situation that is unsafe for bicyclists. (Ideas include lack of room on the road, huge potholes, etc.)


While in high school, there was an accident that involved a boy that was three grades younger than me. He was biking home from the beach on a curvy road, when he was hit by a car. The car accident resulted in the death of the boy riding his bike. The driver of the car was also intoxicated, on his way home, in the middle of the afternoon.

I think that this tragedy could have been easily prevented by there being a biking lane on the busy, curvy road...
Overall, all of these "assignments" were great learning tools. They all really made me think. In each activity, I had learned something knew whether it was something small like a tip for recycling I hadn't known before or something larger like the importance of safe practices while driving to keep bikers safe. Great job on finding or making worthwhile activities group :)