January 29, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 1 & 2

Week 1 was a complete learning process for myself. Although I had taken the Computers in Education Course with Dr. David McCarthy there was still a lot I had to learn about gmail as well as Blogger. The first week was an introductory to both of these programs and Dr. V slowly taught us to to use each as well as some of the features Blogger provides for it's users. This first week has gotten me excited about what we will be learning, the projects we'll be working on and getting to know the other individuals in my course.

Week 2 was continuing the learning process. This week, we had gone into further detail on how to use Blogger, using it's gadgets as well as learning how to use the Google Reader program to organize our groups blogs and make reading new posts easier. This week has shown me many new things I can do with my blog, and has gotten me even more interested in learning about Blogger, and using the it's capabilities for outside of class reasons (using it to blog about things going on in my life that I find interesting and would want the people close to me know about).

Overall, I have discovered that this course is going to be challenging, exciting, and will open new means of communication for myself. It is environmentally friendly in the fact that we will never be using paper, and will constantly be able to stay in contact with our classmates and see what is going on in their life, environmentally wise.


  1. I agree that this class seems like it will be both challenging and exciting. I'm a little intimidated by it, but I'm really looking forward to getting into some environmental issues this coming week!

  2. I am excited to familiarize myself with this new form of communication as well. It definitley going to be a learning proccess for us all! :-)

  3. I also think that this class is going to be challenging I am looking forward to learning more about blogger and blogs. I think its really neat that we are doing everything online and through blogs which allows us to save paper and help out the environment:)

  4. I'm still working on the fine details of blogging too. Right now this is totally new for me also, I think as we go on through the year it should get easier and more fun to keep up with what everyone is writing. So I'm excited to read more from you in the future.
