February 24, 2009

Share and Voice: Conservation Action Network

Hey guys :) Today I was wasting time in between classes and decided I wanted to find a topic that interests me, that I could do a share and voice about. I came across the World Wildlife Federation's website. The World Wildlife Federation is a multinational conservation organization and works in over 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members within the United States and close to 5 million members globally. The World Wildlife Federation's main mission is to conserve nature while using the best scientific knowledge that is available while trying to preserve life on our planet as well as the ecosystem. They do this by:
  • "protecting natural areas and wild populations of plants and animals, including endangered species;
  • promoting sustainable approaches to the use of renewable natural resources; and
  • promoting more efficient use of resources and energy and the maximum reduction of pollution"
An important part of the website that I had found was a page dedicated to previous conservation successes the World Wildlife Federation has already implemented throughout the world! Some of these successes include: The illegal logging act, shutting your lights off for earth hour, and sustainablee fisheries policies This page lists action that the World Wildlife Federation has been apart of for the past ten years and the laws that they have gotten passed.

I challenge you to take a look at the page, Major Victories, and post which conservation success hits close to home for you or effects you personally!


  1. Cool post, Erika! I checked out the Major Victories page, and I was impressed by the one about the Illegal Logging Ban. It was encouraging to see that the United States was the first country to ban illegally-sourced wood, especially since we have dragged our feet on so many other environmental issues.

  2. I also went to the Major Victories page, and since I grew up in a rural area, the "New Funding Approved for Conservation on Farm and Ranch Lands" hit close to home for me. There are several farmers in my family, and I agree that they play a huge role in protecting our environment through their stewardship of the land. Despite some of their harmful practices, I believe that they truly value our environment and want the best for it.
