February 27, 2009

Review: The Future of Food

This past week, we had watched a film titled "The Future of Food". While the movie had a lot of interesting facts, it was not too entertaining for me. The film had covered the history of genetically engineered food, patents on seeds and focused on a company titled Monsanto who had taken many people in the farm industry to court for using their patented seeds.


Starting in the 20th century, nitrogen was being used as a fertilizer for many farm field, nerve gas was modified to be used as insecticides, and there was much more technology available which was suppose to make certain foods more readily available and cheaper. The era of having food production being able to keep up with the increase in
population is called the "Green Revolution". The green revolution had created a spread in technology throughout the world. "These technologies included pesticides, herbicides, irrigation projects, synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and improved crop varieties developed through the conventional (that is, not using biotechnology), science-based breeding methods available at the time". A popular herbicide many farms were using during the Green Revolution and are currently using on their land is called Roundup.

Ever since farming had started, families have saved their crop seeds to use and plant a new crop the following year. A company called Monsanto put an end to this. Currently, Monsanto has 11,000 patents of seeds and when a farmer purchases seeds
from the Monsanto company, they are forced to sign an agreement that once the years crop is over with, they will NOT safe any of their seeds to use the following year and all of their previous seeds must be destroyed as well.

A specific part of the movie that stood out to me, was the case of Percy Schmeiser vs. Monsanto. For many years, Percy had used the herbicide, Roundup, on his farm. One year while spraying Roundup on his crops, Percy noticed that there were some areas around the power lines did not die from the spray. It wasn't something that struck Percy as odd, and word had somehow spread to the Monsanto company. Without any notice to Percy, Monsanto was quickly on his land, testing hiscanola oil seeds. Monsanto had made the decision to sue Percy for using a "Roundup ready seeds that he had probably purchased or borrowed from a neighbor so he did not have to spend the money himself". Monsanto had assumed Percy was breaking their patent and was not going to allow it. After further research, I had found that "
In an out of court settlement finalized on March 19, 2008, Percy Schmeiser has settled his lawsuit with Monsanto. Monsanto has agreed to pay all the clean-up costs of the Roundup Ready canola that contaminated Schmeiser's fields. Also part of the agreement was that there was no gag-order on the settlement and that Monsanto could be sued again if further contamination occurred. Schmeiser believes this precedent setting agreement ensures that farmers will be entitled to reimbursement when their fields become contaminated with unwanted Roundup Ready canola or any other unwanted GMO plants".

Other important facts:
  • The flavor saver tomato was the first genetically engineered food product introduced to the public
  • 2001 was the first year people had realized they were eating large amounts of genetically engineered foods (they are not required to be labeled)
  • Starlink (corn products) was found to be unsafe for humans - there was a massive recall
  • In order for a seed to be patented, it must be different from all others
  • Mexico does not used genetically engineered seeds
  • A terminator seed has been introducted. It is engineered so that the seed cannot be used the following year
What I thought: After watching this video, I think that there are a lot of people in this world that are very money hungry. Monsanto is a huge corperation that is sueing over 9,000 individuals because they're suspicious of where these farms are getting their seeds from. How is it possible to prove which seeds are who's and why would a company waste their time hurting farms that are providing a service to our country, along with the ones we export to. I also believe that labeling genetically engineered foods is important. If a child has an allergic reaction to something they ate, it would be impossible to figure out which gene in a genetically engineered food item flaired the reaction. The more movies we watch about food throughout the semester, convice me I need to start getting a majority of my food from co-ops rather than just some.
Other view points/websites:

A website that has information about NOT patenting seeds and a link to information on patent cases.

An article on what Monsanto plants seeds

Monsanto's website

Website with more information on Percy's case


  1. I am in total disgust with the Monsanto coorporation. This video really educated me on a subject of politcal coorpution, and capitalist over taking of seed companies, and fertilizor companies.

    Speacial interst groups like the EPA should be watching out for us, but they (the executives of these Monsanto and Environmental Protection Agencies) are working for both sides. If only the world's check' and balances of the government would do their jobs with no problems. But, the world is not always so cut and dry. I hope we can get politicians in office that will help not only the American people, but the people of the world by protecting us from these un-tested Genetically Manufactored Organismims.

  2. Erika-
    I definitely agree with you when you said that labeling genetically engineered foods is important. I didn't even know that they could get away with not labeling it genetically engineered. Good job summarizing the video!

  3. Erika,
    I'm glad to see that Mexico does not used genetically engineered seeds. I wish the US would do the same. I also feel that it is very important for them to be labeling the genetically engineered foods. I wish I could know if I was eating any genetically modified foods or not! (That would be comforting.) Great job summarizing this film. Keep up the good work!

  4. Erika

    Great job summarizing the video! your comics we're a very good add for your summary. I had forgotten hearing about that tomato, so I was glad that you mentioned that. I definitely agree with the fact that we should be able to know if we are eating something that is genetically modified. I don't think I want that going into my body!


  5. Hey Erika,
    I agree with you, labeling foods is very important. I never even thought of checking labels for GMO. I also think that Monsanto has harmed farmers who are growing crops for the nation. Great job!

  6. Erika-
    I really liked your cartoon. It is very true they should't care if their food is labeled if tehey aren't trying to harm us! It's sad that they have nothing better to do but try and sue other small farms that are just making a living! I definitely need to start getting most of my food from co-ops as well!

  7. Good review, Erika! I think the cartoons were an excellent touch. :) GMOs should definitely be labeled in our food products because they can cause allergies as was definitely proven by the Starlink incident! Also, I, too, am realizing how important it is to buy locally and support our small farmers!

  8. Erika,

    You dressed this post up great...the photos were soo funny! I agree with you that it is ridiculous that GMO do not have to be labeled... I don't want to eat that stuff! I found it very interesting and think you brought up a great point, when you stated that you thought after watching the video that a lot of people in this world are money hungry!:) Great review of the video Erika.

  9. Erika,
    I thought your review showed deep thought and analysis of the concepts from the documentary, especially with the following question: "How is it possible to prove which seeds are who's and why would a company waste their time hurting farms that are providing a service to our country, along with the ones we export to."

    Monsanto is obviously greedy and power-hungry. Hopefully the critical thinking skills we have gained in this course will help us to distinguish between genuine and falty practices of big corporations.

  10. Erika,
    Good job summarizing everything! I agree with you that labeling genetically engineered food is important. We should have the right to know what we are eating and have control over what we put in our bodies.

  11. Great review Erika, you did a good job of re-capping the important points. I too feel it is very scary to think about all the people that have food allergies and how bad it could turn out for them. I hope there will be some way someday to combat that, and to protect those in that situation. Nice work :)

  12. Erika-

    This was a great review! I agree that people are "money hungry" and are willing to do whatever to have as much power as possible. The thing is, in our scoiety, money is power. I think Monsanto is getting a little out of hand trying to prove that all these farms are using their seed. Just sad.

  13. Erika~ Very good post you can tell you put some thought into this post!! I personally have no respect for Monsanto and I don't know if I ever will. Keep up the great work!!

  14. Great job Katie! I also found the case of Monsanto vs Schmeiser very interesting. I thought the amount that Schmeisner lost due to Monsanto was horrible. I was heart broken for him when he had to destroy all of his harvested seed from the previous years. I am really glad that you looked further into the case on your own time and found out that this case was finally settled. I am even happier to hear the Schmeisner won, and is having all of his losses repaid, and that the settlement states that any other farmers that have this issue in the future can also get their losses repaid. I am just so glad that Monsanto lost. They are just such bullies.

  15. Great post Erika! Funny cartoon clipping you put up. I don't get it how Monsanto can obtain that slogan but yet disregard labeling their foods if its completely good for us. The CEO of Monsanto must look like an evil gremlin.

  16. Hey Erika! Nice find on the cartoon! That actually really sums up a lot of what Monsanto is about! I too reviewed the movie, and it was interesting to say the least. The GMO part is really what hit me, the fact that they for some reason don't have to label. Have a good one!


  17. Nice review! I liked the way you set up all your helpful links and important facts. I also believe that we need to start labeling GMO's so people actually get to decide if they want to purchase them or not.

  18. Erika- I really really liked the pictures in this post. They were funny!
    I think that GMF's need to be labeled as well, there is no reason they shouldn't be. I agree with you when you mention a child having an allergic reaction to something since as of lately I am finding out I am allergic to a lot of stuff. I think thats just something to improve the health and safety of all citizens.
    I really liked reading about the further research you did to follow up on Percy. It is great to hear that he finally settled everything, but still really horrible that it had to get to the point that it did. Sadly, there are many farmers out there who dont have such a happy ending. It is still our job to do what we can to change the way Monsanto has total control. Great Review. --s

  19. Great review Erika..your terms were great! You put a lot of thought into this review...keep it up!

  20. Good use of pictures Erika! I think you bring up a really good point about how they should label GM foods. Especially because of food allergies, I didn't even think about that! It is really sad/scary how money hungry some people/corporations are. Monsanto is a living example of the saying, "money is the root of all evil." I truly believe what they did to all those farmers is evil and just plain wrong. Good post Erika!

  21. Erika!!
    I agree, the most interesting part for me was the farmer law suits. I feel so bad, it seems like money really has the control over many things in this country! I also think everything should be labeled, we have the RIGHT to know!! What about when we are pregnant? We do not want to feed our children foods containing harmful pestisides!
    So much to think about after watching this movie. Great job Erika!!!


  22. Erika,
    Great review, well done. I was also struck by the Percy Vs. Monsanto, it just seems so unfair, apparently you can't even keep to yourself if you want to!! Hopefully the general population can keep getting more educated on the Genetically Engineered topic.

  23. I still can't believe Monsanto Cooperation. I wonder if the people that work there have any mercy for the public, especially for all the farmers they are sueing fo rno reason. I also can't believe that GMF are not labeled, it make me wonder how mcuh food that I eat is genetically modified.
    Nice post!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I think you bring up a really good point about how they should label GM foods. Especially because of food allergies
