February 27, 2009

Reflections: Week 5 & 6

Week 5 and 6 Review

Week 5:
Week five seems like it was so long ago for me! I am going to have rough time trying to remember everything from last week, but here it goes...
  • Last week Reading 15 was assigned to a group of people in class. We had a discussion in the reading and it really made me think about the steady increase of our population. Automatically, I wondered if there would ever come a time that we wouldn't have enough food for everyone on our earth?!
  • We had also watched a film titled "Diet for a New America". This film really made me think. It pointed out facts that I had never known about animals and how they're raised based on the type of meat they are going to be, how much fat actually affects our blood and how horrible our country eats compared to others (which is a main reason a lot of people in our country have health problems).
  • The last thing we had done during week five was a CSPI. I had done a questionnaire the analyzed the food that I eat. How much I am eating of certain types of food (meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy) and then shows me how what I am eating, effects the earth. At the end of the questionnaire, it gives you a few examples on what you can do to help improve your diet and environment. One of mine was to eat less meat, which I did not decided to follow because already, I don't think I eat enough of it.
Week 6:
  • This week in class, we had watched a film titled "The Future of Food". I was assigned to do a review on this film so I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail. If you'd like to read more about it, visit my Future of Food post! This film had held my interest for a while, and made me realize eating food that I grow in the area I live in, should be more important to me than eating food that might be cheaper and is coming from who knows where!
  • Individuals were also assigned readings for this week. My reading was about corporate social responsibility. It gave the history of CSR within a few different countries and reasons for why "big wig" corporations should invest some of their time and money to make our country a better place to live.
What I think: The more and more we get into the semester, the more I like this class. I am constantly learning new ways to change some of my unhealthy "environment" habits and made the place I am living in, better! One of the things I have decided to try because of this class is putting an empty half gallon milk jug in my toilet! :) We'll see if it works! Another thing that I am doing, more so now than I was before, is watching what I eat. I want to make sure that what I am eating is something that is actually healthy for me, and not a food that is "thought" of as healthy! So I'd like to give props for Dr.V for making me think more about my environment and how my choices effect it!


  1. Good post, Erika! I find myself liking this class more and more as the semester goes, too! It seems like anytime I do ANYTHING these days, in the back of my mind I'm thinking about the effect it has on the environment and how I could improve my actions! It's nice to have a class so directly related to real, everyday life for a change. :)

  2. 1. I really like the bulleted format of this review!
    2. I decided not to stop eating meat either, because I only eat about one serving per week, which is very minimal.
    3. I agree, I am getting more intrigued by this course and environmental issues with each day that passes!

  3. Ha nice post! I have no idea what the half a gallon milk jug does but good work! haha anyways I also like the way you are changing the colors of your fonts, how do you do that?

  4. I really liked your post, it was easy to read and it was right to the point good job! I agree the more and more we get into the semester the more I am enjoying the class. It has opened my eyes to a lot of things.
