March 12, 2009

Share & Voice: Spring Break

This year for spring break I am going to Atlanta and Jekyll Island, Georgia as well as Chicago, Illinois. I am driving down with my teammates from the ultimate frisbee team and we will be spending our time basking in the sun, playing a little ultimate (THREE days worth!) and camping for a week :)

This is a challenge... I want to know what each of you are doing over your break! Only don't just tell us what you did... post a picture and a short description of whatever you are doing, place you visit or people you spent your time with and I will do the same! :) It doesn't have to be something "environmental", just post ANY picture from your week off from school and show us what you had done :)

Hope you all have an amazing and safe spring break! :)


  1. I hope you had a wonderful break, Erika, it sounds like it was a lot of fun! I didn't get any farther than Wisconsin this spring break, but I will post a picture on my blog in response to your challenge - check it out!

  2. Camping sounds like a blast! I traveled to Arizona for spring break! Photos from my travels will be posted in my upcoming photo essay for this will have to wait and see! :-)
