February 16, 2009

Share and Voice

After watching Al Gore's documentary, I logged onto YouTube and searched for videos on natural disasters that have left a large impact on our society.

One of the most influential video's I had found was on Hurricane Katrina. The reason this video hit home for me, is because it's a natural disaster I remember well and had spent a lot of time paying attention to while it was on the news.

Check this video out!
It's a clip from a documentary that is in the process of being put together... Here's my question to you...

*Are natural disasters truly something that can be prevented (back up your opinion) are can there only be precaution steps to prevent damage once a natural disaster strikes?


  1. I'm not entirely sure if natural disasters can be completely avoided. Here are some facts I found from the article, "Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Movie: Fact or Hype?" on National Geographic's website:

    1. A study published in the journal Nature in August found that hurricanes and typhoons have become more powerful over the past 30 years. The study also found that these upswings in hurricane strength correlate with a rise in sea-surface temperatures. Ocean heat is the key ingredient for hurricane formation.
    2. Experts emphasize that neither Hurricane Katrina nor any other single event can be linked to global warming. They believe that we are in the high-intensity stage of a decades-long natural hurricance cycle, which they say is primarily responsible for any uptick in storm activity.
    3. Still others aren't even sure hurricanes are gaining strength. Scientists now generally use satellite data to gauge hurricane stregth. This technique has greatly improved over the past 30 years, so earlier measurements may depict older hurricanes as weaker than they actually were

    With all these conflicting opinions, I don't know WHO to believe! Although I'm not sure if we can lessen the impact of natural disasters, there are definitely precautions one can take to prepare for a natural disaster.

    My reference artical can be found at:http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/05/060524-global-warming_2.html

  2. I don't think that natural disasters can be prevented. Such storms are just part of the natural weather cycle, and despite all the amazing scientific advancements that humankind has made, I don't think we can control the weather. In my opinion, the best way to deal with these problems is to just anticipate the storms and take precautionary steps to avoid as much damage as possible.

    Good post - I'm sure that documentary will be quite moving when it is finished!
