February 16, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

For this Eye Opener, I had chose the Eating Green quiz. Since I don't have a lot of time to make food for myself (juggling jobs, a sport and 16 credits doesn't leave me with a lot of time at home), my servings per week of eating pork, beef and chicken were low which was great (I didn't get a negative score!) However, the amount of dairy that I eat gives me negative results... I love yogurt and milk plus a little bit of ice cream here and there (my weakness :])

My overall Health Score I had done well on however, the environmental and animal welfare categories were negative (pretty sure this is a bad thing!)

Overall, I had a score of 7 which left me in the "Uh-oh you need help" category... Safe to say, that REALLY surprised me!


  1. Erika,
    I also eat very few servings of meat a week (apparently this is too much!), becuase it is too time-consuming to prepare with my busy schedule! I took the same quiz and I was also left in the "Uh-oh you need help" category, so you're not alone! I love my dairy products!

  2. Ha I'm glad you didn't get bad score on the meat part and I think you can have your dairy if you want it, most likely it will just kind of even you out overall. I think to get a good score on the test you would need to be a vegetarian.

  3. I love the pic you added to this post! Very cute. Also, I definitely understand your love of dairy products - I am addicted to cereal, and it's just not as good without milk! And don't even get me started on where we'd be without ice cream... :)

  4. Erika-
    I am also dealing with the same problem as you I dont have that much time to sit down and cook a decent meal with all the recommended daily servings of meat. But I do love dairy....maybe a little too much. Im pretty sure if I took this quiz I would get some of the same results as you did.
